Breeding Web

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Get Your Flies!

Welcome to the Breeding Web! In order to breed your arachnids, you will need a male and female arachnid. You only need 1 fly per breeding. Flies can be used anytime, there is no "breeding season." Each fly is different, and will have different effects on the baby. Sgenes are passed down from the parents to the baby. Learn more about sgenes in Sgenes & Mutations. You may breed with the arachnids in the Adoption Web (if there are any), but you will need to have a fly.

    When breeding, I will need the following information:

  • Number of the male and female
  • Permission from the owner(s) of the male and female
  • Which fly(s) is being used
  • Who gets the baby

Breeding fees are up to you. Females can only breed once per week, males can breed as many times as you want. To buy a fly, simply contact me at PI and let me know which one(s) you want. First come, first serve. Flies cannot be resold on PI without permission.

Blue Fly - 1 male arachnid - 0 available - 300pg

Pink Fly - 1 female arachnid - 2 available - 100pg

Red Fly - identical twins - 0 available - 500pg

Yellow Fly - combine 2 other flies - 1 available - 100pg